Find a love
in the crooked woods where
traps await feet, and snakes in ambush lie.
Find a love that tells you not to die.
Find a love
in funereal places of grave chiming,
where gloominess anticipates the snatching of your soul.
Find a love that tells you not to die.
Find a love
in far-stretching horizons where
the mountain greets the sky,
and presents you as a delicate offering;
even in your secret chamber where
evanescent susurrations put you to sleep.
Find a love that tells you not to die. Pleasant Nneoma Stephen is a poet, student, and writing coach. She is an ardent lover of doodles, rainfall, and African mythology. Pleasant is a Gold Award recipient of the Senior Category of the Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023. Her work has appeared/is forthcoming in Decolonial Passage, Vagabond City Lit, Squawk Back, and elsewhere. Pleasant substacks @pleasantnstephen as a writer of Weekend's Poets.