1) God is dead
2) An existential crisis befits them
3) Their mind active with thought
4) Giving birth to new ideas
5) And yet paradoxically
6) This birth of evolution destroys them
7) God remains dead
8) For all these years
9) He was thought to have subsided deep within the soul
10) Within the mind and psyche he harbored the everlasting love of mankind
11) And from that love, a lie is born
12) And from that lie, a truth is revealed and reveled by many
13) And we have killed him
14) Joy to those who may think for themselves
15) The herder is dead and the sheep killed him
16) Free to think at last
17) Yet consequently this freedom herds the sheep closer
18) Stuck further within a shrinking pen
Thanks Nietzsche. You’ve ruined me.