Content Warning: This poem involves ambiguous themes of death. A mother pushes the shooting star
of her child who expands like the universe
in her voice, primrose past, rising dear
of the forest of the future road.
A mother tongue of breath
calms the hands of blue home.
Less is needed amid the crest
of the next road, which says hello.
Apple purée sunset upon the chin
is cleaned up by a thumb that continues
till the air is a bouncing castle
and the deer is smiling another past.
Legs become stuck in the galaxy,
and they find joy in standing as the light.
Mum pushes her breath through the meteor stems
as they sink to run on the clear end. Daniel Lockeridge is a thirty-year-old Australian who has shared his work through multiple poetry collections and literary journals, as well as his Instagram page: @danlovepoetry.