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The Chorus of Passivity

O.P. Jha

when half of the hillock, my senior most friend

in my neighborhood, revered as a local god,

as a new god on the old Mount Olympus,

as the Mount Govardhan in Vrindavan,

cracked as the severe heart attack, slid down

many flocks of birds, darling fellows of my senior friend

started crying in panic

in the sky

as tears falling from the descending

and disintegrating Heaven

the birds did this as they do in earthquakes;

the throat of the rivulet, regarded as the much cared

beautiful daughter of my friend descending from

its peak, dancing in neighboring woods and lands

as the Ganges descends from the Himalayas

and does in the plain,

and composing the rhymes on the back of the wind

flowing on the chest of seas,

choked, and the lifeline of the land was broken

into uncompromising points on the unconsolable bosom

of the soil;

the entangled wilderness fell in irreversible silence

a reaction never seen in the world of elements

in the decisive moment

my men living around

saw smokes and heat performing duet

and composing elegies in the honor of final cataclysm

they neither flew in the sky

nor hided in their nests

they did nothing

they were waiting

for final cataclysm one needs nothing

but the living has to be the dead

O my senior most friend, stay for us

even with your broken heart

one day a shepherd will reach your peak

and blow his flute

and the chorus of passivity will end.

O.P. Jha’s works appeared in Rigorous, Mantis,  Punt Volat, Zoetic Press, Discretionary Love, In Parentheses, Shot Glass Journal, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, ANTHRA Zine, The Interwoven Journal etc.

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